Saturday, April 23, 2011

(1) A View of Reality by those who Create it. Where Evil came from!

The We Writings: What humans are, why they exist, and what the purpose of evil is.

Time is of no consequence in my world, it is a creation by those like myself, and has been made a part of the world you live in. Death also is not experienced where I live, it has been created for you to experience and live with. So too, sickness and disease are unknown to me, yet a very real part of your world. Now, who are you and who are We (I will use We as opposed to I in these writings)?

You live because of us. Your thoughts are our thoughts, you have no thoughts of your own. You think you make choices, decide on various courses of action, take this road instead of that one, no, everything you think and do is implanted into your mind by us. Your mind is not your own, it is our mind, we control it and direct it totally. This may be difficult for you to understand and many of you will never be able to accept it, so we will be very lengthy in our discussion of you and us.

A blank compact disc has nothing on it. Put it into a player and nothing. Someone decides to put certain information, music on it and it will be able to play back only what has been put on it, nothing else. Should the CD have consciousness and want to change or add something to its content, that will not be possible, it is simply a recording and playing device. It has no self-volition. The CD only has use value to the programer who uses its input for his/her own purposes. So are humans mere input and output devices having use value to us. You don't own yourself, you don't own your thoughts, nor do you control your thoughts; your body is planted into a physical universe created by us, and your thoughts, all your thoughts are implanted by us.

We know it is rather difficult to understand and comprehend what it is that we are talking about here, so we will continue to be thorough in our discussion. Your body is a computer that comes with a specific software package you recognize as you. The programer built the computer and loaded it with you. Part of the program is that you believe you exist as an independent entity with the ability to think, act, and make decisions which determine your life. You think it is through your own efforts that you can accomplish something. Have you noticed that some people succeed with very little effort, while others work and struggle never getting anywhere. Some do everything seemingly right with regard to their health yet get ill and die, while others smoke, drink, eat, don't exercise, and live into their 90's with few ailments. Do you really think humanity was given the power of thought and emotion and then left to its own devices? Given the present and the past state of the world it certainly looks that way. But it's not so at all. You are a program that is run and controlled by We.

All your great and renowned philosophers, spiritual teachers, physicists, archeologists, historians don't come up with one single original or learned thought, idea, or discovery. Everything is given to them, planted into their minds, from the most mundane to the most loftiest thought, it is all We. Accidents are impossible. We live outside of your time and see everything, no matter how small or insignificant. We even direct your thoughts about what you are reading here along the lines We want. What then is our (your) significance, purpose, value, you might understandably ask? Your reason for living, the existence of your world only is because of We. We are important and that is why you are. The very fact of your existence gives you value and significance.
Human intelligence doesn't develop or evolve. Had you the slightest, most minute awareness of the We, you would see how absurd some of your ideas about growth and evolution are. I could, for instance send you a tiny impulse, you might call it a life elixir, that would result in your body never needing sleep; or preventing any illness from ever touching you. You can't through your own efforts of study become more healthy or intelligent. It looks like you can because the evidence indicates that you can, but it's not you, it's We that allows or disallows it. So why bother to live if you have nothing to do with your life? It's because We decide that you will live, just as We decide when and how you will die.
Everything looks the way it does and works the way it does because that's how We set it up. Everything in your world works exactly as it should because that's how we made it to.

The typewriter was created to perform a specific task. When you hit a key, whatever symbol is on that key will be produced. Each human being is a key, a symbol on a vast keyboard (typewriter). Presently there are some 7 billion keys on the human keyboard, each one significantly different from every other one. A T is not a Y, an L is not a Q, and so on. We are constantly arranging these 7 billion different keys. Maybe you would prefer a music analogy: Each of you is a different note, 7 billion notes. We make music and We write books.

You, the writer of these We Writings, are not thinking before you write, even though to you it feels that you are. You are a channel for us. There are today thousands of channels who serve as conduits for a wide array of information, much of which has found its way into books. Many of these channels have other purported intelligences or evolved beings speaking through them. It is all We. All of you are channels of We, most of you on a more mundane level than some of the more renowned channels you are familiar with such as Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce, or Barbara Marciniak, channelling the Pleiadians. Every question you might come up with as to why We are doing it this way instead of that way can simply be answered with, We having a very specific purpose to every thought, act, and creation you experience.

A river can be seen as a channel carrying water along its course. Each of you is a channel carrying water along a prescribed course as We have determined it for a reason. You yourself cannot change the course of your channel, if you do, and think it is a result of your own effort, it is We who have changed your course, have given you the thoughts which resulted in your efforts, and we could have changed the course of your channel with or without your effort, both are our doings.  

For a kite to fly it requires a string and wind and someone to either secure or hold the string. Some force had to fashion the kite, the string, the wind, the sky in which it flies, the ground on which someone stands holding the string, ie. a creator responsible for all of it. The kite at some point might come to believe that it flies itself, having self-awareness, it looses sight of the string and someone holding it. You humans are all kites, and We hold the string that flies you. Although we give you the power of thought and self-awareness, you do not own it anymore than you own yourselves. You didn't create yourselves, and really have no idea how you came to be alive, how or what created the universe, or what God (spirit) really is. Oh yes, you have written voluminously on these topics, the nature of being, the ultimate reality, life, death, evolution, etc., yet you know nothing about it, not really. All your efforts at gaining knowledge, wisdom, understanding have  been nothing more than impulses directly implanted into you by us. Again, understandably you ask, to what end, and according to the We, the very asking is a We impulse. That's right. If you can see the entire physical universe, including your ideas of non-physical thought and intuitions as a creation of We for a specific purpose that it is impossible for you to understand, since you are so intimately aligned with this universe, then you can begin to come close to a new comprehension. Even though you have no control over your life, it all matters and has significance.
Who among you still reading doesn't find all this a little absurd? It's because you aren't used to being told in such graphic terms that you are nothing more than a pupet having your strings pulled by a master pupeter. It's hard to swallow, and if it were true it would completely change the way you think about and live your life. For one, you would think that you are no longer responsible for anything that you do because you aren't doing it, We are.  

You are bytes of information entered into the computer We. Your physical life from birth until death is one byte. When you die you don't go anywhere, not to heaven, hell, some inbetween place, you aren't reincarnated. You become information in our computer, so in a sense you will continue. We couldn't begin to give you an image of the vastness of the We computer or what purpose it serves. Purpose is the singular, overriding question you have. It will sound harsh to say that for We there is very specific purpose, while for you there is none. When you ask what is the purpose of my life, the answer is to become a byte of information in the We computer.

All the choices you make are really made by us. How could you know which is the best course of action in any given circumstance when you have no idea of anything outside of your own reality, a reality which we have made for you. It's not just that your knowledge is limited, it's a case of your knowledge being made up by us to fit the reality of the world you know. You get the illusion of evolving, advancing, learning, in a made-up world. It's sort of like the Truman Show, in which Jim Carrey lives his life on a movie production stage. You can in effect only do what we will have you do.

Before I continue, please note video #1 under VIDEOS. It is an indication of how much evil there is in our world. These We writings, which will require some length, explain where Evil comes from and what its purpose is.

The one through whom we are transmitting was a good choice, as he was on the opposite side of what we are conveying to you. For many years he firmly came to believe in the precept that you create your own reality through your thoughts and feelings. He read much of the literature, Seth, Steiner, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, Aivanhov. Yet his work, intense at times, brought him very little return. He began to question the promises so vividly described by the teachers, some of which demanded patience into another lifetime. That's when we inserted ourselves in the form of these writings. Be assured that all of his prior efforts and activities were just as much directed by We as are the present.

Your efforts, as you've certainly noticed, sometimes get results, more often they don't. It is alway We who decide wether or not your efforts amount to anything. All of your laws of physics or consciousness are laws we have created, and we can override them, and do, whenever we want, for purposes which we earlier mentioned are difficult to explain. There are many understandings and explanations which you will never be allowed to have as they would stand in the way of our projects. Yes, you and your physical universe are a very small project of many we are involved with.

It is as if each of our multitudinous and varied projects are all part of a vast jigsaw puzzle. Each piece adding to the overall picture, and the picture having no completion in sight. The We are constantly adding to this picture and in this way, you might say, we are growing and evolving. Your personal life, however, is very local. You have concerns about your own happiness, growth, progress, creativity, understandings, and so forth. What, you ask, can you do with your own life that has significance, value, excitement if all of your thoughts and feelings, those two primary aspects of your ability to live and develop, are completely controlled by We?   As you continue to read this, keep one thought in mind, everything you think, feel, and do is not contingent on any ability you think you possess, but on our scripting every minute detail of your life. Your questions, perplexity, confusion, disbelief about our transmissions, are such because that's what we are giving you. It is we who send you happiness, it is we who send you suffering. You have no say in the matter. Now this surely sounds diabolical and is not the kind of universe you find endearing. You might think there must be an opposing force to the We that has only life, beauty, happiness, joy, light, etc. as its motivating and operating principle. That maybe this opposing force also exercises total control as We do, yet it needs no, or allows no suffering, ugliness, death, etc. to enter into the equation. Such an uplifting and positive force may actually exist and you would be much more inclined to approve of it even if it also totally controlled you. 

You find yourselves in a middle ground where you believe you have some input in the creation of your personal lives and that of the more universal. You cannot possibly know because you are too small, the creation of vast forces beyond your comprehension. These forces own you, and we might just as well suggest to you that your ownership is contested. That is to say that the very fact of your creation indicates you have value, value which others are interested in owning, controlling.   

Based on the preceeding comentary, any teachings in written form what we want to convey to you might seem unnecesary and tedious since we can simply enter into your mind any and everything we want. This is true, however, then your world would be completely different from what it is. See these writings as a written esotericism. That which is considered esoteric is not able to be comprehended by the ordinary mind. The higher part of your mind must be in use, and usually it is not, since your daily life doesn't require it, therefore it is very undeveloped. These comunications must be sifted through your esoteric mind if they are to be understood, otherwise you will quickly discard them as outrageous. It is your normal mind that sees all this we are presenting you with as a bit too much, over the edge, so it will be much easier to discount it and not waste time with what you feel to be an absurdity.

The groves of your mind, like a record, contain well ordered and comprehensible information. We come along and cause the needle of your awareness to skip, causing discord, disharmony, confusion. So you try to put the needle back into its grove. The groves of your ordinary mind, as distinguished from your esoteric mind, are very deep. As a result you are not aware at all of this other, esoteric or higher mind, which functions entirely outside of the ordinary mind. There have been many throughout your history who have attempted to teach you about this other mind, and a very few of you have been able to hear and understand that there is much more to reality than meets the eye (I). We will refer to our human receiver taking down these transmissions as HR, who has been for many years exposed to these other kinds of teachings, enabling us to transmit to him without him feeling the need to put the needle back in its groove.

Allow yourself the possibility of learning without being confused and perplexed by our telling you that you don't learn anything we don't want you to. Many of you have already spent years attempting to increase your very localised intelligence by conecting with Higher Intelligence. We are that Higher Intelligence, and offer you the opportunity to make a connection. This can only be done by use of your other mind, which we will teach you how to open up into your normal awareness. Never mind your question for now of why don't we just implant into you what we want. In other parallel worlds we do that, in this one you are in, a different course is being taken, for reasons that cannot be immediately apparent to you because you are not out of your mind yet.

A movie is a finished production of hundreds of individual scenes. These scenes are shot over the course of many  months and while a single scene might have a certain completeness in itself, it tells only a partial, fragmented, and incomplete story. It takes on much greater significance and relevance when mixed in the proper order of the movie. Each scene is nurtured into what the producer considers to be the best representation of what s/he feels the whole movie is to convey. The more the actors can become their characters the greater will be the desired realism. Movies have a number of different purposes: making money, entertainment, escape, informative, motivational, awareness engendering, etc. We are making movies, many movies, and you humans, animals are the perfect actors. You have in effect become your roles so perfectly that the actor has completely merged with the character.
Each of you has a part in an extended scene, a scene that lasts the duration of your physical life. Your scene is constantly interacing with other scenes which We are in the process of editing into a movie. We are shooting many of these movies at the same time and then edit these movies into a larger script from which continued projects emerge.
Your concern for yourself is whether or not your existence ends when your scene does. You want more than your one life, you want to continue living in some capacity after you die, even if your life has been uneventful or painful. You don't want to be a single scene in a We production and have that be all. You don't want to be limited to one single life, you want more time to possibly develop yourself into a higher intelligence, a player on a grander scale. From your perspective, We walk across a more sweeping and grandiose stage in which you appear to be no more than a momentary prop, a bit player. 

Before you were born you were nothing. After you die you will be nothing. Our thoughts, our existence, expand and develop through you. So in a sense you do continue, just not in the way you would like to imagine. You have devised many philosophies concerning the body and consciousness; the physical and spiritual. The two extremes are that when the body dies so does the consciousness, to when the body dies the consciousness continues because it is indestructable. Let us define your Hell as a total extinguishing of consciousness, and heaven as eternal life, ie. your consciousness never dies. You can see us as consciousness with a capital C who have the ablity to create consciousness with a little c. We determine how long our little c consciousnesses will exist. When your value to us is completed, there is no need for you to be kept around, so you are not deleted, but become a file no longer added to.

Why are there apple trees, why are there ants, why are there humans, indeed, why is there a world at all in which these forms live? Of all the philosophers, religious or spiritual writers who have adressed that question in one way or another, are there any whose answers have caused you to feel a reverberating yes cascade through you? First of all, very few of you have read widely enough to give a reasonable response. Secondly, not many of you are motivated enough to engage yourselves in an extended lifelong study of the most basic philosophical/existential questions confronting human life. In much of your history, food, clothing, shelter, sex, and war have preoccupied you, as even today many of you still are. A fair number of you are presently no longer faced with these extreme challenges, opting for distractions such as television, movies, overeating, computer games, consumerism, reading escapism fiction, internet overdosing, vegging out...

Could you, if you were asked, say something at all, even a sentence about the Enlightenment, David Hume, Realism, Greek philosophy, the Renaissance, Thomas Aquinas, Jewish history, Francis Bacon, the Age of Reason, Rene Descartes, William James, ancient Rome, Spinoza, Locke, Kant, mystery religions, the middle ages, the Reformation, Russell, Sarte, a priori, empiricism, inductive reasoning, world history before 500 BC; or could you point to ancient Sumer, Troy, or even Athens on the map? Your intellect would have to have a certain bent, drive, desire to turn its attention in the above direction. Wether or not you do is not up to you.

Your desire to develop your intellect, to know about your world, to be a great thinker, is dependent on us. You have what we give you. If you are frustrated because you haven't been able to devote yourself to reading philosophy, or been able to loose those pounds, or have a loving relationship, it's really not your doing, it's ours. We make it so. We make you frustrated, we make you feel lack, we make you feel success, we make you feel happy, we give you everything, and we withhold whatever suits our purposes. You are ready to stop writing or reading because this is just too absurd to your way of thinking, and yet you continue.

You continue because you are looking for something. First, you are looking for a reason for your existence, and secondly you are wanting your existence to continue beyond your present life. Yet there is a third reason this work holds your attention: the possibility that  you may come to some understanding of Evil. We have been presenting you with the reasons for your existence, while your second concern, your desire to continue living after you die, involves much more than we have so far explained. Keep in mind that it is We who are providing you with the desire for further existence, for greater relevance. There are, after all, many humans who don't care, or think much about life after death, as they are completely involved with this life before them. They would have no interest in reading philosophy or We writings.

The problem of pain and suffering is of great concern to you. Why would, and how could any Being with the power to create life, worlds, and consciousness allow and even plan for the kind of mayhem that exists in your world?

I, the HR (human recorder) have just read all of the above, and although finding it very interesting, I feel a great perplexity, confusion, and disruption. Oddly enough, there is something in this presentation that makes sense to me, while I certainly need much more. So for now I will allow We to continue.

We understand and could very easily clear things up for you, but that is not how this particular movie of ours is designed. Continue to expose yourself to what you are being given and in time understanding will dawn, or maybe not, it depends on our direction. We do know what we are doing, and some of you will, through this process, have a tremendous light go on. You will See, and a different course in your life will be set out upon. For those of you who we guide to this point, you will simply play a different role, no longer the actor you have grown accustomed to. It's as if your manager called you informing you of a new role for which you would be well suited. There will come a time for you, as your new role develops, and progresses, when questions of life after death, purpose, and personal power to create your life, will no longer be important and central to who you are. This understanding will not lead to a Schoppenhauerian existentialistic pessimissim, but instead to a revitilization of the life force animating human consciousness.

What kind of creator with the power to bring worlds and life forms into being would do so for any other reason than its own self-interest? There are many scenarios that might come into your head, ones which we place there. One, already hinted at, that We are not the only creators out there. Are these other non-We creators antagonistic or collaborative with us? If they were collaborative with us then any appeal you might make to them on your own behalf would be useless. If, on the other hand, they were opposed to the We, then they would possibly be aware of your existence and seeming plight of pupettness. By being opposed to us we are positing their displeasure at our creations being forced to endure pain and suffering with no say in the matter. However, the We in our creative capacity might also have the ability to block from view any of our creations by other creative forces. So the non-We creative forces would only see what it is We want them to see, just as is the case with you humans who know how to keep disagreeable thoughts about others to yourselves. Also, the We, again for our own purposes, could allow you to think that you are communicating with non-We forces to set up certain experiences and events. This importance of our complete control over our creations will become clearer as we continue.                                        
What we are leading you to think is that no matter how much effort you give to philosophical quests of the human condition, you are much too small and insignificant to make any headway in the vastness and complexity of All. So where are you in all of this? We suggest that you have two primary approaches to consider. 1) accept the fact that you are consciousness created and completely controlled by your creators, with no will, desire, or ability to determine anything on your own, or 2) believe that you have been created with the possiblility to advance and evolve yourself through your own efforts with the understanding that you will continue to live after your body dies, and inch forward on the path of ever greater Intelligence.

We are telling you that the first is the case, and our transmissions  will continue in that light. You are not to think of yourself as insignificant, worthless, and of no value. We have already mentioned that you are significant and have importance, it is just not in the way you would like to imagine.  Humans are dual creatures, the physical body and the animating life-force, ie., consciousness within it. One, the physical, can obviously die and be completely erased from existence, the other, the consciousness was also created by Consciousness, that Consciousness being We. Now, some of your thinkers have determined that consciousness can't be extinguished, even matter, they confidently state, returns to some Urform, never being totally extinguished. Your physicists have determined this, giving you laws of nature and reality that lay people can't possibly understand, yet these laws are not to be argued. We tell you that we created your consciousness and we can extinguish it. We established your laws and we can change them. So far the We consciousness has not been observed to be eradicable. Our existence is enhanced by our creations and we decide how long and to what end we want to keep them around. We are not gods who desire to be worshiped by our creations, we are life-forms intent on expressing life in all its possible facets.

A watch/clock is an intricate, finely balanced instrument. On the surface, time is clearly displayed, and to be consistently accurate the hidden internal mechanisms must be precisely constructed so that each minute comes around every sixty seconds, and each second is exactly the same as the one before. The clock's creator had a specific purpose in mind along with the ability to bring it into being. Behind every human you see there is an inticate clockwork. We create humans for a specific purpose, to have certain

experiences.  There are no accidents in your world. If we want you to get married at age 25, you will not die in a car crash or of an illness at age 17. Nor will you take an interest in the monastic life, joining a monastery. None of you can become anything we don't want you to become. If you are a renowned philosopher it's because we gave you a mind and an interest tinged with philosophical proclivities. Great composers/musicians were given the ability to hear uncommon music in their heads and transcribe it onto the page and instruments. All of your abilities or lack of, all of your desires, drives,accomplishments, failures, every thought you have, come from us. We are architects on a grand scale micromanaging to such an extent that the combined imaginative powers of all 7 billion of you would be overawed.

Your stories about gods, creators, the eternal soul, the sacredness of human life, are all nothing more than childish attempts to make your life, your universe meaningful. Each of your lives is a story fitting neatly into a book, part of a vast library accessible by We. The one aspect of our story disturbing to you is that the books and movies you appear in often have chapters and scenes in which disaster, suffering, and brutality are prominent. You are being told that you are forced to endure whatever we decide is in the best interest of the We. This is very difficult to idly accept, but stay with us.

(HR) As the writer of this material I must say that whether or not I incorporate it into my way of thinking, it does go a long way to making more understandable the why of existence and the many other questions of being. At an individual level, yes, it is very discomforting, yet I must plod on. 

We are the cement holding everything in your world together. If the problem of pain and suffering were not in human experience, would you be more receptive to our description of your reality? Why must there be this underside of life is a most legitimate and important question. For that matter, why is there anything at all? Time spent on this second question will be unproductive and we suggest you leave it for now. What is before you is existence, the why of it, and your role or purpose in it. You would cruise along pretty smoothly probably if there were no illness, emotional distress, sexual frustration, anger, hatred, starvation, war, murder, automobile/airplane accidents, rape, torture, poverty, misunderstandings and hostilities between parents and children, forced labour camps, genocide, animal suffering, natural disasters, job dissatisfactions, in short the human condition. The world you find yourself in, however, includes all these elements and many of you have a need to arrive at some kind of understanding of that world. We have told you that we are responsible for everything you experience, so you are in effect the result, in every aspect, of our cause.  
So isn't the primary question really the same as asked by philosopers and religionists, why must there be pain and suffering in a world, and how and why would an all powerful Creator Being allow it? The We will now answer this question for you, although it will prove to be dissatisfying since we are speaking to a finite, material centered consciousness from an infinite, noumenal point of view. It's as if a case of apples who all their lives have communicated through learned apple language were attempting to communicate with oranges who all their lives have communicated with learned orange language. However, we do have abilities that far exceed those of apples, oranges, and humans.

Pain and suffering with all its attendant misery and torment, have always existed. We ourselves do not know why. It is as if it is in the water of our existence and no matter how we might try to escape it, we can't, since we ourselves have a high proportion of water in our makeup. This is how it always has been, and we, just as you, have made efforts to understand it and also to change it. Efforts to change it have resulted in great wars in the We history. The story of the We is a lengthy one, easily filling many of your libraries. There is, we have concluded, something outside, other than us. No recorded contact has been made with this. We have evolved a large community of scientists, known as scientists of evil. Their only task, one which all of us are intimately aware of, is the eradication of evil as a part of existence, as a part of consciousness. In effect, creating a pure and pristine water in which all of us can live. To that effect they are involved in infinitley far reaching experiments in which you and all physical and non-physical universes are a part. We have created worlds in which evil was non-existent, unfortuanetly they were unable to be maintained for any extended period of time, succumbing to the seeping in of  polluted waters.

All of us who possess We consciousness are intimately aware of these E-scientific experiments. They are a priority in our existence, unlike humans, who have come to live their lives ignoring the evil around them, content to tend to their immediate satisfactions, we look evil in the eye and say no, we will not stand by idly and watch while you continue to ravage. In fact, we dedicate our lives to your destruction. This attitude and determination has resulted in a running battle with evil. The fact that humans as a whole aren't banding together to fight this common enemy in their midst is, as we have been telling you, because we are behind your every thought and desire. As part of our many multi-faceted experiments, you are in effect, although not consciously, working with us to understand and put to an end this horrific part of existence we refuse to tolerate.

You are in a most unenviable position, seeming to have powers of life and death. You engage in sex and a new human life is created; you end life through war, murder, or suicide. You think you have the power to create life or end it by your own decisions while not knowing where life came from or where it goes. You have no powers, no capacity for independent decisions, you are pawns on a cosmic chessboard being moved around by master players who know exactly what they are doing. Making you aware of what you really are is simply another move in a long-running effort to checkmate our opponent. The game analogy is not trite or unreasonable. In your world there are many different kinds of games, some played for enjoyment, some for gain, others for success or renown (olympic games), and some having gruesome elements (games of the Roman colliseum or knights in the middle ages). The game the We are involved in has extreemly high stakes and quite far-reaching repercussions.  There are advances and there are retreats, we learn the rules as we go along, sometimes they
change without notice. We can never sit on the sidelines, never quit, never rest; we must continue playing. There was a time, a long time ago, and this you are not capable of comprehending since we told you that we live in a non-spacetime environment, when we weren't playing the game because we didn't Know, now we do. Our Knowing required, demanded that we become participants, players in The Great Game, making us aware that we were not alone.

We are involved in teaching you another language, one completely unfamiliar to you. If you have, say, a desire to learn Russian or Greek, your first day in class will undoubtedly be most challenging. You don't know anything, characters, pronuncication, meanings. You have to learn, it might take time, effort, desire, etc. What the We are bringing you is a new language and you are, at this point still in the first few days of class. One primary difference, however,
is that part of our teaching requires you to supplant your present language with the new one. In fact as you learn the new one, the old one will automatically fall by the wayside, even though you must maintain part of it for purposes of communication with those who don't know the new language.    

For some, letting go and letting god makes perfect sense only because they believe in an all-knowing and all- powerful god. For others, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever since one can't know what the qualities and attributes of god really are, they
only know the empirical world of form which includes their own conscious awareness. Humans have two ways of assessing their reality, one through the senses, the other through the
consciousness. You say 'I know' with the senses; and you say 'I believe' with the consciousness. You know when you see a house that it is a house; you know when you touch a rock that it's a rock; when you smell something, wether you like it or not. You believe there is a god; you believe there is life after death; you believe good to be preferable to evil. You don't know that the We really exist, but you do know the words on the page are real, and you can
decide how much of them you want to believe. Your minds are constantly being influenced; by television, books, movies, politicians, ministers, music, other people, and of course the We.

In these pages we have maintained that we in fact are not only the single most important influence in your lives, but the only
influence. Accomplished, highly evolved beings with the power to create life and worlds, are very influential. Their creations are specific, meaningful, and with purpose, there are no errors or mistakes. We have told you that there is nothing outside of the We. This is not true, for then evil would not exist, so therefore an entire creative force outside of us must exist,with evil as its primary base. In your human world and its history, good and evil have always existed side by side. Your religions and spiritual traditions have attempted to explain the reason for this while at the same time maintaining the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent god. Your rational minds can't possibly entertain any of these explanations. Some of you have accepted the teachings of your church or spiritual guides, leaving reason to one side, others of you don't care about the issue, and a few of you are still wanting to understand why there is such a diabolical, crippling, and powerful force as evil in the world at all. Is it really so hard for you to accept that you are completly controlled by your creator, while you are at the same time both insignificant and highly valued, disposable yet indispensable.

All that the We create is necessary and required in our efforts to unveil that which must be found out and pushed out of existence.  'So what is it I can do,' you ask, 'I'm interested in helping to undermine, end the existence of evil, if you say that's possible.' It is through your life, through your being that you are helping. You need do nothing but live, as it is we who through our many creations are doing something. All that we bring to life is alive by the very fact of our total, complete, and commited efforts to overide the evil cosmic program that co-exists with the We. All that we have created is doing precisely what we want and need it to do; you don't have to try to do anything. Those of you who are much disturbed by the conditions of existence, and those of you who care very little beyond your own immediate needs and desires are equally contributing to the overall project. One isn't better than the other. Right isn't better that wrong. Good isn't necessarily preferable to bad. Health more desirable than illness. Nor is altruism more noble than selfishness. In the human mind there is a significant distinction between the above two opposing characteristics. One we strive for, the other against.

This is where the confusion for you exists, in your mind. This same mind we have given you, and control for purposes that will only become clearer as you study what is in these pages. It is through your learning of the new language we are introducing you to that understanding will begin to take hold. You will not be able to explain any of this to someone who hasn't learned the language.
(HR) 'Since the We are in control of all the details of this project, down to the very thoughts, feelings, and experiences I have, then why do I need to continue reading further,' you might reasonably ask. YOU DON'T. You read on because you are impulsed to do so, part of that impulse being that you have a need to make decisions and take actions that go beyond your immediate, personal life. Let us speak further on our previous books and movies analogy. All of our projects are entered into the vast, growing library wherein our research is carried on. This library of course has no entertainment value, it is the educative hub around which our work revolves. Our scientists of evil have made much progress only because of extensive resources available in the library. Your single, seemingly insignificant life (when measured against the whole) is a part of this library. We have not placed ourselves in the position of needing to ask our creations to help us, it is through our acts of creation that we are helping ourselves. You then, are pivital in our work and need not burden yourselves since the very fact of your life is its own fulfillment. You can, again, make no wrong choices, so relax and let us do any worrying that might be necessary.

All of your experiences produce certain feelings which result in specific kinds and qualities of energy. The varying intensities of the feelings modify and alter the energy, this is what we enter into, follow, and explore. It is your feelings generated by your
experience which is at the core of our work. In other of our creations, data is obtained through different processes, all leading us to a better comprehension and discovery of where and what evil is. Some of our created worlds have been perfect, beautifully constructed universes in which not a trace of evil has been able to enter. We have devised many methods of veiling and hiding them from being discovered. When they inevitably are, evil slips in and if we make an effort to end those worlds we often find ourselves in a most difficult battle. We are touching here on what we told you earlier is an immense We history. It is a history of creation and destruction, of great success and achievement, mixed with failure and ruin. We have come to recognize the two forces in existence as the We and the Ee, as we have come to call them, seemingly locked in an eternal struggle with our many created worlds as a battleground. It is not just the We who create worlds, the Ee do so too, and they do so for exactly the same reason as we do! That reason is energy creation, which will be further explained. 

Some of your science fiction writers have fashioned stories bearing a remarkable similarity to the reality we are sketching out for you. They have created fictional worlds with scenarios in which Evil has gained such power and dominance that the Good is in danger of being wiped out and darkness enveloping all that is. Great heroes are pitted against these forces, sometimes bringing about enough of a victory to usher in a Goldenage. Othertimes the losses are so extensive that the light goes out, darkness becoming not just the dominant power, but the only power. The opposing forces of light and dark run through your history, through your own personal being. In your daily lives these elements influence you, effect you, sometimes in very subtle ways. Our Ee-scientists have perfected measuring devices capable of detecting the amount of each force present in a given area or substance.

All of our worlds have these measuring devices (MDs) in them in the form of the various life-forms occupying them.  Earth humans are these MDs acting as guages of enemy activity, so to speak. You are monitors, sensors, performing highly refined tasks keeping us aware of the current status of events in the field. Losses and gains are tabulated, responses decided upon, future actions planned. If we described to you what some other worlds are experiencing, you would be frightened and horrified at the intensity and extensiveness of the destructive forces unleashed. Your world by comparison is
an oasis in the midst of chaos, a harmonic surrounded by cacophanous sound. Most of those of you who have computers, cars, a comfortable home, employment, good food, and so on,
have very little exposure to the human suffering experienced by a significant number of your planetary brethren. Personally, you think some of your challenges are significant, they aren't. You don't know any better, and that is how it was designed to be. Just as everyone else, you provide information that is valuable and necesary in the continuing confrontation between We and Ee.

At this stage in our discourse we will not describe for you any Ee world creations. We have learned and come to understand that their diabolicalness is such that they do not want to destroy the We or the We worlds they have discovered, only to infiltrate them and infect them with their own. Their power, we have come to believe, is greater than ours and they come and go as they please. They haven't destroyed us only because they don't want to, not because
they can't.This disconcerting fact, however, we have not allowed to lessen our efforts, desire, and drive to diminish their influence and eventually completely annihilate them.

Your brains and your minds were created for you not for your use but for ours. You don't own
your mind and you don't decide what enters or leaves it. It should not be much of a stretch for you to conclude that everything entering your mind, everything your mind comes into contact with is directed by that which created you. You are our responsibility, and as such we never leave you alone. With the reality of the Ee, we no longer have complete control of our
creations, resulting in an enormous problem the Ee scientists are grappling with. In other words, our experiments and projects are no longer pure, but are all now compromised.  

(HR: human recorder: 'So fine, the We world is in what sounds like a pretty long-running war that offers little rest or pleasure. Why are you telling us this? We can't do much about it, don't have much power, are only a tool of yours, even if for good ends. Now
all We worlds, you say, have also become Ee worlds. Any abilities humans have are We installed and are now tinged, to whatever degree, with Eeness'.) Your understanding is kindergarten in nature, and imature children are notorious for throwing tantrums when they
don't get their way. You want to know everything, you want control and power, and you want to be able to bring about change through your own actions, you want to be the director of your own life.  None of these desires are in your possession, they are however, in the Ee worlds. It is there, because of these apparent freedoms, that chaos and evil form the primary fabric of life. The Ees are introducing their way of life into our creations, and this we must
prevent. You are our allies in the Great Work, and efforts are being made to 'turn' you. Through your awareness of these writtings you will come to an understanding of the world you live in, a recognition of why things are the way they are, and the possibilty of you not being idle observers being acted upon, but also playing a significant role in stopping the downward spiral your world is in the midst of. These conditions we are describing are now operative in
nearly all of our worlds.  Rescuing your or any other world is not the priority, for you are chess pieces on a very large board, subject to being taken. Playing a game, especially a complex one, is a learning process; you become better at it the more and longer you play. Most games provide the player with rules
before beginning, not so in the cosmic game the We are involved with. There are no rules, with the ones that seem to be such, constantly changing. Over 'time' we have learned much, first
and foremost to not get wiped out, and secondly the not totally unexpected, yet nevertheless highly disconcerting truth that the We are also chesspieces. That kind of knowledge for you must be quite unnerving since you really can't do much with it. You basically get the feeling that you are on a raft in the ocean being tossed around by whatever wave happens along, while no land is willing to allow you ashore.

At this point many of you will stop reading these writings and move on to others which offer you a more sensible reason for living. And the last sentence you might read is this one: It is the We who decide what you will do. You have not suddenly achieved self-empowerment nor have you been completely co-opted by the Ee. The mind is a rich soil awaiting planting. We have created many minds, placing into some, very basic seeds, and others highly complex combinations and varieties of growth organisms which we carefully tend and cultivate. We are constantly devising new seeds and seed combinations designed to have specific effects, not all of which we have anticipated. The Ee intrusion can be seen as an introduction into our well planned and organized garden of a wide array of weeds, some of which constrict or choke out We growth. We consciousness, when it first appeared, did so in complete fullness.
Each singular being had the same conscious awareness and knowledge of the present moment as all who comprised the We. There was no memory of a past, or even the concept of a past,
only the recognition of our present aliveness with its impulse to create. We didn't reflect on why we were alive or where we came from, we from the 'beginning' were compelled to follow that strong impulse to create worlds that pulsated with the life of We. There was not what you would call independent thought, although there was individuality; all thought was always known by everyone, so that my thoughts, comprehensions, and understandings would instantly become part of everyone elses. In this manner, there would never be divisions or wars in the We world.

It was then, through our creations that we experienced a sense of fulfillment, what you might call evolution. Worlds like your present one were not what we created back then. Darkness, evil, pain, and
suffering were not in our awareness or experience, they first entered with our discovery that there was something outside of, something other than We. This new, disruptive force was found to be entering into all of our created worlds, setting off an imperative on our part to know what it was. This is how our Ee-scientists came to be formed, to find ways in which to combat and stop this rapidly increasing chaotic element which had seemingly so suddenly thrust itself onto the cosmic stage. We went from creating worlds of splendour, beauty, and perfection in which our destiny was completely in our hands, to the intrusion of a reality outside of
ourselves that was effectively altering and dismantaling what we had so meticulously and carefully put into place. What we had put into place were an extensive series of worlds in which was carried out an exploration of (and we are subject here to use of your language which is reflective, much as Plato's shadow world is reflective of his Ideals) beauty, joy, happiness, color, sound, intelligence, and countless other qualities of life. No disruptive factors of any kind could possibly enter into these creations any more than they could into We existence. The Ee Attack, as we have come to call it, was such a shock to our system that a 'momentary' chaos engulfed us. It can be likened to what you might feel if for a thousand years you had lived with a loving partner in perfect bliss, to wake-up one morning finding her/him dead next to you; and further to discover that everyone else was experiencing the same loss. The scale of this disruption to our world was of such a magnitude that our response to it was not immediate.

This lapse gave 'time' to the Ees to set their course and effectvely contaminate a multitude of We worlds. Our first task, we concluded, the moment we gathered ourselves together, was to discover methods of concealment for those not yet discovered We worlds. As it developed, the Ees were too quick, too many, so all was lost to them. We could expend none of our energies to new creations that would begin to replace what was lost, but found it necessary to remain fully involved in each and everyone of our worlds. Our next step, briefly mentioned earlier, was headed by our Ee-scientists, wherein we created worlds specifically designed to help us discover how best to understand the Ees and hopefully destroy them. Your world of earth, sun, moon, and stars is one of them, there are many, many more.

Initially these new worlds were well concealed, allowing us to engage in undisturbed research. Occasionally the Ees discovered them, requiring us to develop new concealment techniques.   The nature of the confrontation between We and Ee is indirect, so that we would never meet on any cosmic battlefield shooting light beams at each other. It is in the created WeEe worlds where the battles are fought, where losses and gains are tabulated. If the We created no worlds and lived only within their own sphere, then the Ee could have no effect on them. This is not possible since the We (and it appears it is the same for the Ee) must create worlds; it is as if you attempted to stop breathing, we must breathe. Although before the Ees, we could end worlds that we created, this can no longer be accomplished in the ones having an Ee presence. The theatre in which all this is occuring is vast in scope, and if we were to use time as a descriptive, it has been going on for a very long time. During this 'time' the We and the Ee have learned much about one another. The primary difference between us is that the We are attempting to destroy the Ee, whereas the Ee are not interested in ending We existence, but in using it.
The history of the We before the Ee incursion can scarce be done justice with even the most brilliant imagery. Human imagination has been able to dream of perfected worlds because they existed to such a degree and extent that even our best attempts at description would fall much short of their reality. There was no need to provide any kind of defense of our creations, a concept completely alien to us. The devastation wrought in the
wake of the Ees forced us to educate ourselves, in the midst of this chaos and upheaval, in the arts of war, defense, and protection. So even before the advent of our Ee- scientists, militarism became central and core to our continued existence. 

In military parlance, the Ees made a strategic mistake in allowing the We to survive. They apparently felt that they had indestructable characteristics, therefore feeling no threat from any outside agencies. We abilities, in these new circumstances, developed very quickly, as our increasing knowledge of the Ees enabled us to develop mechanisms and capacities of defense and self-protection which allowed us to begin confrontational campaigns against the Ees. The antithetical forces of good and evil, darkness and light have been a primary constituent of your three dimensional world throughout its known history. You possess no pure philosophies in which both are not factors. The We and the Ee are archetypes,
universal forces that at one time were completely uninfluenced by one another. Out of each flowed a perfect representation of what they were. The We created perfect worlds of beauty
and light, while the Ee created perfect worlds of horror and darkness. Difficult as it is to believe the reality of pure evil worlds, their discovery by us was initially shocking not only by
the fact of their existence, but even more by their vast spread and extent. All your stories of angels and demons, saints and sinners, creation and destruction, heaven and hell, come from
the archtypal realities we are describing.

Before the emergence of the We-Ee World, we had no words for evil, cruelty, death, destruction, hate, suffering, the list is long; nor do we suspect did the Ees have a vocabulary including such words as love, beauty, joy, happiness, although there may have been an abject form of them.  What we have now are four kinds of worlds: Pure We worlds, pure Ee worlds, Ee infected We worlds, and We infected Ee worlds. The pure We worlds are the least in terms of number, while the pure Ee worlds are prolific. The two worlds between them (infected We and Ee worlds) are experiencing the most rapid growth and expansion. The extent of our description here lies far outside of your human minds ability to comprehend fully. We are only providing you with a sketch.  

The earth, your solar system, galaxy, other galaxies, your entire universe is an Ee infected We world, and as such is no longer completely under our control. You are therefore in an even more powerless position than the one in which only the We and their creations exist. You have no way of knowing whether what you write is from the We or from the Ee. In either case you have no way of verifying any truth in what you are setting down. You come again then to a primary element, a basic underlying principle in these transmissions: you are not your own creation, you don't belong to yourself, your thoughts are not yours, no matter what you do, no matter what choices you make, it is an outside agency, an other force that controls you. The fact that you get angry at this assessment of you, causes you to think that it is 'your' anger, no, it is an emotion planted in you for a specific purpose just as are all other emotions are factors used by both We and Ee to further our own designs. As we've indicated before, it is not you who decides to stop reading what you might now want to describe as an outrageous waste of time, but we who decide whether or not you continue reading, and in the case of HR, continue writing.  

(HR: I sit at my computer waiting, no idea of what will be written next. Mostly I do want more We writing because their story is interesting to me. Yet, I have the attitude that I'm not going to want or desire more since they will write more through me if they want to and won't if they don't. At this point in the story I do have to wonder whether it's We or Ee who are expressing themselves. I can, of course, see the mixture of both influences in our world, and have for some part of my life wanted to become powerful enough of a human to effect the world in a We manner. If one were to take these transmissions to heart, however, then you could take your hands off the oars since its not we who are rowing. We are taken not where we think we want to go but to where they want us to go. So simply put, everything we do is really done by them. If I for instance work really hard to accomplish something, it's not my work that's responsible for the results at all, since they aren't going to allow something to happpen that's not part of their design. Their truth is that the illusion that we are living our lives, is just that, illusion. The reason for all this will become clearer.)

In many ways the We and the Ee are involved in similar activities. Each studies the other by entering into their world, experiencing their creation first hand. This is one reason why humans exhibit so much conflict within themselves. There are two opposing forces each human must contend with, the percentage of presence of each varying. So one person might be composed of 70% We energy and 30% Ee energy, while another might have 60% Ee and 40% We energy. There is a similar situation in many of the Ee worlds into which the We have entered. Generally, the opposing influence in a world will be less than that of its creator. So a We created world will have more inhabitants exhibiting a higher percentage of We energy than Ee energy. Just as Ee worlds will have most of its beings displaying a greater percentage of Ee as opposed to We energy. From this one can readily see that the We and Ee worlds are battlegrounds of intense and immense opposing forces.

As a very basic image, then, it is the inhabitants of a world who act as informants and agents of the two prime creative forces, the We and the Ee. It is not only the We worlds that have been disrupted through their discovery by the Ees, but also the Ee worlds are now being exposed to a completely different quality of energy bringing its own form of disruption.

Please understand that what we are describing through use of language and imagery is much more complex. The two principle activities We worlds are involved in are 1) those of minimizing Ee
influence, and 2) information gathering in order to learn as much as we can about the Ees. Through our presence in the Ee worlds we are coming to understand that Ee energy is not as easily affected by our influence and the longer we are there the less able we are to maintain our strength. It is almost unfathomable that the vast majority of humankind have not the slightest knowledge of what they are, where they come from, where they are going, why they exist at all, who or what created them and the world in which they live, what is the purpose and reason behind their creation; and they seem content to live life in this ignorance not because answers are so difficult to come to, but because they have no real motivating passion and need to know. Many who profess some interest in these questions do gravitate towards a religious or philosophical umbrella where some of their thirst is quenched, but only enough so as to allow them to live with less uncertainty. Most of your beliefs are a very poor substitute for knowledge, and an insult to the intelligence. Yet how does one truly come to knowledge of the foregoing questions which will lead to a semblance of certainty, leading to the ability to live in such a manner that will bring joy and satisfaction to the individual, and at the same time make a significant and potent contribution to the betterment of existence as it is known?

It is suggested here in these writings that the We are providing you with answers to these questions. It is, and will continue to be a long answer, requiring a depth of interest and motivating drive if it is to be understood. And yes, it continues to be true that we implant that interest and drive into your minds while at the same time keeping it from others. Our actions in the ongoing confrontation with the Ees require that which for now you don't comprehend. Those of you who have been imprinted to have an interest in this work, will continue reading it with great interest, while those of you who have not been similarly imprinted with an interest in what is being transcribed here, will not even have read this far. One isn't better than the other. Every interest and concern a human is occuppied with has significance that supports the We work, and yes, the Ee work as well. 

The possibility or probability that Ee influence will be completely wiped out from all planes of existence is extremely low. In philosophical terms, this brings about for you what would be called an existential crisis. The very worth, value, and purpose of your life cannot be dismissed, but must be considered with the greatest urgency in light of that which we are outlining for you. Many humans who are serious participants in their religious beliefs, or new age/spiritual conceptualizations are actively involved in the enlightening of their increasing perception of the growing expansiveness and reality of the dark forces in the world. Their guidance by us has become so influenced by the Ees, this now being the case nearly everywhere, that the We have decided it be the highest priority to create pure We forms not capable of being infiltrated by the Ees in any way. This is now the most significant part of our work, holding the greatest promise of gaining back our worlds.

Although our engagements and activities are manifold, our direction in this new work is twofold. One, is the creation of beings completely free of any Ee influence living in a pure We world. And two, the creation of pure We beings living in the dual EeWe worlds. We cannot create this kind of being in a pure Ee world, the energies and forces there being too extreme and corrupt.The extent, complexity, and success of our work is very much linked to and dependent on the Great Library we have developed.

In your specific physical universe and the earth on which you reside, events and circumstances designed to add to the Library continue, while the new work has two elements: the implanting of pure humans not capable of Ee infection, and the education and purification of some already exposed humans. And as mentioned earlier, all of you have some Ee involvement. One of our plans, then, is that those of you who continue with these transmissions will more and more shed yourselves of that which the Ees have brought to you. This is a bold undertaking for us, and although the outcome is already known to us, for you it is not, because you are a cause leading to an effect. For a cause to be effective in the way it's designed to be, it cannot know the results. 

A POSSIBLE CONFIGURATION:  What follows is a description of a possible reality, your reality. The Beings who have created your physical universe (and we are positing here that your universe was created by Beings, as opposed to just popping up from nowhere) and populated it with life, have done so not out of some overflowing of love, but for purposeful existential reasons having to do with the perpetuation and expansion of their own existence. Let us first describe these Beings. They are a pure form of energy thriving on the desire to create more of the kind of energy giving them life. Their creation of energy is not a requirement for their own continuation (or maybe it is), it is a built-in drive toward growth and expansion. They use a multiplicity of principles, techniques, and constructs in their world building, with space & time being one of them. Materiality, three dimensionalness, mind, are others. Even good and evil is a construct which they created and is non-existent in their world. Let us focus in on, or use for better understanding, a single individual one of these creator Beings. This creator Being (CB) lives in a world populated with 500 billion other CBs. It belongs to a group of 100 who have combined their world building abilities resulting in your physical universe as one of their many projects.  One of your beliefs is that something can't come out of nothing; all effects must have causes you say; life, existence, reality, must have a creator. This is a powerful belief based on experience gained in a limited physical world which you attempt to translate into knowledge about your very existence, thinking that there can be nothing coming out of nothing, all existence must arise out of other, pre-existing existence. We,
however, tell you that this is not necesarily so. Our view is much more expansive, less limited than yours, and from that perch, contend that what seems to make perfect sense from one perspective doesn't from another. Physical universes, like yours, are absolutely attributable to creators like us. At this point, we CBs have no notion or sense that we were created, we appear to have come out of nothing. There is no need for us to know where we came from or what created us. For us there is no before or after. Before and after are time elements, and time is something we created so that beings who live within time can experience past, present, and future. I, as a member of this group of 100 CB's (creator beings), am responsible for your existence. We have created your world as a source of energy to satisfy our needs and desires. Leaders of consciousness. Humans are not that, they are followers who think that in the course of civilization they have developed, grown, expanded, and learned how to better direct their consciousness. What is this consciousness we refer to? Is that which you think of as you, say from birth to death, a degree and quality of consciousness having existed in a grand cosmos of Consciousness? Is there any difference between you and the consciousness you have or are they the same thing? Where did you, your consciousness, and the particular kind of order you live in come from? You obviously are limited. How so and to what extent, and why? Consciousness develops through the awareness of its surroundings. Humans think and reflect on their surroundings and their interactions with them. All of one's experience, which is composed of thoughts and feelings about daily interaction with the surroundings, is entered into a memory bank that becomes known as you.

Based on what we have told you so far, the We are your source of all thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, and therefore essentially you are a We creation. For you there can be nothing like progress, development, learning, improvement, there is only existence. Your existence does serve a purpose, as we have explained to you, that has nothing to do with you, and you must be satisfied with that for now. Let it suffice to say that all forms of consciousness emit varying kinds and qualities of energy. It is this energy that is both the fuel and composition of all being. One way you might picture energy is to see it as color: there are many colors, with each having many shades. Or sound: there are many sounds and modulations of them. These sounds and colors represent forms of manifested energy which can be used in countless creative ventures. 

The creation of energy, then, is a core concept and central idea we would like to convey to you. Our explication has at its base the reality that energy is everything, existing on a continuum of quantity and quality. In other words, something that exists has a certain amount of energy (a lot or a little); a particular quality of that energy (good, evil, happiness, sadness, love, hate, desire, lethargy, intelligence, ignorance, beauty, ugliness, etc., these we are designating as qualites); and a certain direction or structure (that is, purpose or use value). So everything that exists is energy composed of three aspects: quantity, quality, and purpose.

Let's look at a representative human, you. So far in these writings we have outlined three possible reasons for your creation: 1) a pre-Ee, We creation of complete perfection containing no dualities: beauty, love, kindness, joy, light, creative fulfillment, well-being, with no requirements for opposing forces to push against them. 2) for the purpose of gathering information and intelligence about the Ees, in an effort to eradicate them. 3) as sources of energy. Using number 3 as a reference, let us look at two possible approaches as to how you would provide energy by the fact of your existence. There are two basic ways in which we can have you live your life. And it is important for you to note and understand that each one will produce a different quality and quantity of energy.

First, you can live your life believing that you have the ability to use the power of your own mind, and thoughts & feelings to bring about change, that through your own efforts you can create realities, and have an effect on your surroundings. By living in this way, with these kinds of beliefs, a certain kind of energy is created. Second, you can live life with the understanding and belief as presented by the We, that you do not own yourself, that you are completely controlled having all thoughts and feelings implanted into you by your creators. This approach to life will bring about a different kind of energy. So whether you live your life along the lines of the first or second example, one isn't right and the other wrong, neither is one preferable over the other, both are approaches to the production of certain kinds of energy for specific purposes.

Your significance as a life form comes from your own psychology, that is, your own need to have significance, worth, and value.  In truth you are insignificant, and that even pales in the vastness of all. Let the following imagery move you to a clearer understanding: A football field carpeted with books, all touching each other. A thousand pages in each book, 70,000 books. Your entire physical universe with its complete history from beginning to end is represented in a few pages of one book. "Your" book is composed of only physical, material universes each having its own separate reality. Stay with the picture here, don't let the vastness of its scope frazzle you. "Reality" is to be understood as one complete world separate from another. The book you are included in might be titled Physical Reality One, while the book next to yours is titled Physical Reality Six. Another book might be titled Pure Consciouness One, having no link with physical, material realities. The remaining book titles you would have no comprehension of. All these books have the singular purpose of creating energy, amounts so vast and varied that your imagination can't begin to be impressed by it. There isn't just one football field!

Those of you who allow yourselves to reflect on the writing and imagery we present will invariably move into an expanded and advanced field of perceptual understanding, recognition, and discovery. Think for a moment of the incredibly vast amounts of
energy produced by just one of these books. In the single page representing your physical universe alone, there is the energy of a million million and more suns radiating light into untrammeled space which itself is filled with such an extensive variety of life forms, all created for the same purpose of providing an endless source of energy.  All of living: human, plant, animal, spiritual beings, others, emit through their living a broad and spectacular array and amount of energy which is much greater than
that required to create and maintain them. Your law stating that energy can't be created or destroyed is a child's understanding relegated to a miniscule portion of your page. The creation of life by the We and also the Ee brings more energy, and different kinds of it, into being. Our use of it is the motivation behind its creation.

You yourselves feed off of and create various kinds and amounts of energy. You recognize this energy, for instance, through your feelings and emotions. This is surely apparent in the difference between reading a relaxing book or an inspiring, uplifting one; between being in a relationship which involves sex, or living a solitary life; living a "normal" civilian life, or being a soldier in the midst of battles; working in  an animal shelter, or employed at a slaughter house; sailing on a calm sea, or hurtling towards Saturn in a spacecraft; joining a monastic order focused on the meditative life, or developing your interest in music and playing rock and roll.  These very few examples from your one human world could of course be continued for many pages, and are indicative of the range and extent that energy can take. Here, in these writings, we have referenced a mixed WeEe world such as yours, which has a quality, texture, and essence of energy different from pure We or pure Ee worlds. The emanations from these two pure worlds are constantly bleeding into the mixed ones. You can't expand your consciousness, it is we who do that for you if it suits our purposes. Most of you are not capable of seeing beyond the sentence in which you find yourselves, much less beyond the page or book that is your home. Some of you, on the other hand, can freely move through the book, and even come very close to rising out of it. What you see and bring back is most difficult to describe in terms of your human cultural constructs. Nevertheless, some of your writings, particularly the so-called channelled ones come from these excursions off the page and out of the book. The truth or falsity of these writings can't be measured with "normal" yardsticks, so what exactly is their function? The answer is really very simple and uncomplicated. From the most elementary thought that a human might have, to the most expansive creations of the We and Ee, some of which provide a home for you to have that thought, all of it results in the production of energy. Some of you know what it feels like to have little or low levels of energy (there's no such thing as having no energy, that would result in non-existence). Your individual daily life is a two-folded event in which you do things to gain energy such as eating, taking nutritional supplements, sleeping, meditating; and then the use of the energy available to you in the process of living. So you attempt to add energy to your system enabling you to live. In the three dimensional world this all makes sense and seems to be reasonable, while in truth it is really your creators who give you life, energy, and death. However, as earlier mentioned, what we give you, including all our managed direction of your life, is only one side of the equation, the other side being your act of living, which across the vast spectrum of creation produces tremendous amounts and qualities of energy.

From your end there are no right or wrong choices, no improper behaviour, no payment required for mistakes made, no need to advance the race, to evolve, you don't create civilzations or make improvemets through anything you do, you don't reincarnate. The only thing you really do is create energy through your act of living.
Returning to the increased channelled literature now available, in which many interesting, provocative, stimulating, and educative extra-human transmissions have been voiced, they are merely further channels of energy production. They provide you with more fuel to generate an expansion of thoughts, feelings, and living.Think
how it might be if your earth had remained millenium after millenium in a caveman state, with a human population never exceeding 100 million. Contrast that with 7 billion people, hundreds of billions of animals killed for food, clothing, experimentation each year, the wars, poverty, sickness, the joys, happiness, excitement of life, and you begin to get a picture of the different kinds and quantities of energy produced. You are essentially an energy production machine, creating much more than is required to maintain you. Your animals and nature are no exceptions. Whereas the We and the Ee are finite in number, with none dying and none being born, you and all the worlds we create are infinite, providing the vast sources of energy on which we thrive.

Both We and Ee have been able to perfect worlds which are unable to be effected or influenced by the other, while at the same time there is an immense field of contested worlds wherein ongoing wars of mastery are a constant. We mentioned previously that all your thoughts and feelings come from us and that you have none of your own. The second part of that is true, while the first needs ammending: The Ees also implant thoughts and feelings into you, that is why the split between good and evil exists in your world, why your mind experiences conflicts, discomforts, uncertainties. You can do nothing about the situation since you represent a completely controlled creation manipulated by both We and Ee. The seeming choices you make in your life every day are not made by you, but by the continuous and expansive WeEe engagements and interactions. We know this strips you of any individual autonomy you thought was a basic element of your being. You are chesspieces on the chessboard, possessing potential which can only be activated by the chessmaster who moves you across the board. Every one of the infinite worlds that the We and the Ee created can be likened to this chessboard simile.

Although you do recognize greater forces at work in your world and in your personal life, you still believe you have some say in things.
You sit on the board and wait to be moved, the stakes being much too high, the amount of information and knowledge too vast to allow you to move yourself. Imagine a cat or an elephant not familiar with human civilization or knowledge, being allowed to participate in a heart operation. When one approaches a complex problem or challenge with very limited information and understanding then the results will necessarily be catastrophic. What the We know and understand requires that our creations be moved across the chessboard with precision and purpose not possible for the creation itself.

Ok, you've read over the foregoing pages 3 times, reflected on what you perceive to be a reasonable comprehension, read a 4th time because you are interested in these matters, and are wanting to reach some kind of conclusion in your mind. You find that this is not something you can quickly and easily accomplish, and while you might wish to lay it to one side, this you cannot do. You are now engaged in what is philosopically called a posteriori or inductive reasoning, which means reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles; or from effects to causes. The facts or effects you are faced with are these words on the page. The general principles or causes you are attempting to arrive at are the source or author of these writings. You will never be able to prove that the We, who claim to be the generators of what is written here, really exist or are who they say they are. You are in a similar position to that of believers in religion or spirituality, in that they come to believe in god or a creative force based on what is seen in the physical world or felt in the emotional part of the mind. By emotional part of the mind, reference is made to something not immediately seen or observed in the objective world. There is this feeling or desire for something greater, that which exists beyond or outside of the phenomenal world, and can explain it. Thinking humans, no matter how capable or adept, can only get so far before something Other is required. Presently, the We are a representationof this Other who have taken you far outside of your religions and spiritual traditions, away from the confusions, absurdities, and often neat and tidy disquisitions.We have reached the place in our conversation with you where we can say that we are ready to begin.

Comprehension of a complex matter usually takes a long time, dedication, consistent effort, or it can come in a flash. One learns to play chess, the piano, over time, with practice. Olympic athletes have worked for many years, most since childhood, in the development of awesome physical feats. Great painters, renowned authors have studied and devoted much time to the development of their art. Yet, are there not prodigies who have a talent or ability that is innate, which they are seemingly born with? Their astonishing accomplishments require very little effort or practice. Are great achievements and successes necessarily preceded by dedication, devotion, consistent effort, concentration, and other such attention without which very little results can be expected, leaving one in the company of the masses, both rich and poor, who struggle with existence?  Could it be that we each play a part that has been meticulously scripted for us? Scripted for us by who and to what end? That's just it, isn't it; who are we (humans), why are we, what are we doing, and who do we belong to? 

This project has three primary elements, components: The writer, the reader, and the director (ie., the one providing that which is being written.)  These writings have been presented as coming directly from the We; this is not the case any more than is the electricity coming into your outlet provided directly by the power plant. It is stepped down by a system of transformers that regulate the intensity of what comes into your house, making it useful. I, who am bringing these writings to you, am a transformer, making the intelligence of the We useful and understandable to you. Everything is heirarchical in nature, something is at the top, while everything else is below it.

Let's forego the question of where does something come from, what was there before there was anything, or, how does something come out of nothing. These are questions of the finite mind, which is incapable of reaching any understandable conclusion. Look at it this way: there is Mind and there is finite mind, the Infinite and the finite. Mind creates a great multiplicity of minds, it always was, existing outside of space and time, creating space and time. The outline of the WeEe configuration I have provided is about as close as we can get to this question. Let us establish that there is a close, intimate relationship between you, the reader, and myslef. First then, you will want to know more about who I am, so I begin by telling you that I have both a sincere and necessary interest in humans and the physical world they live in. By sincere I mean that I am sympathetic to the
circumstances you find yourselves in. You are forced to live life without any knowledge of where it came from, where it is going, or why it even is. From my present perspective and current consciousness, the physical lives I had are a small part of my whole being. So I know something about physical life and what it is to be human. The We themselves, of course have never been human, nor have the CBs (creator beings). I myself am an agent, you might say, of the CBs, and as such have certain responsibilities that involve actual living in the created worlds with which I work. I am involved and have lived in many of these worlds at the same 'time'.

For an individual human, life is very limited, narrow, confined, and seemingly lacking in purpose or design. Those who have an expanded intellignce; your philosophers, spiritual teachers, visionary channels, have insights and knowledge linked to a higher state of
being, to worlds far removed from and less limited than the earth centered one you are familiar with. I reside in one of those worlds, the knowledge of which is detailed and comprehensive, while at the same time I am able to approach and penetrate the frontiers of worlds far removed from my own. By necessary, I mean that humans and the physical world of experience have significance and relevance to the life of myself and my kind.

As we continue our discussion I will use I instead of our, since I speak to you as an individual entity as opposed to a group of beings. The group of beings I belong to are the ones who created your particular world of form.  Similar revelations to the ones I am presenting here have already made their way into many books, tapes, and videos, entering the fabrik of information and intelligence now extant regarding the physical world and its many life-forms. My addition to this growing field of channelled material is intended to bring into the main-stream of human consciousness the knowledge of where you come from, where you are going, and what purpose you serve. Our relationship (yours and mine) is a direct exchange between creator and creation. All of us where I am have this as a baseline of experience; you do not. Almost all of you (with the exception of a very small minority) are completely alone, you live in your head knowing only yourself, you are receiving no help, no connection to greater intelligence, more evolved beings. Excepting the presence of higher, channelled literature, you would have no idea that
there is something other, that you can become something more. There are in your world, as you've been told, a multiplicity of realities, many varieties of consciousness; the same is true
outside your world, only to a vastly greater degree. Through these writings your consciousness is being turned, expanded, elevated.  

I (we) do not need to do any proselytizing or convincing, nor do we have any need for hope. When we act, it is with the knowledge that our actions will have a certain effect, cause events to take a specific
course. We know with utmost assuredness that what we set in
motion will bring about that which we desire. The primary difference between cause and effect in our world as opposed to yours is that for us cause and effect are simultaneous, we don't have to wait and see what will happen and then make adjustments. Utterances such as, "I hope it works out; effort, dilligence, and consistency will bring the results I desire; how could anyone behave like that; I don't know it, but I believe there is life after death; what goes up must come down", are not part of our speaking or thinking. You must, of course heed the natural laws that are part of your life, however, these laws are not written in stone as it appears. In the course of this study you will learn to bend and break some of these laws, becoming hybrid humans with one foot firmly planted where you are and the other here where I am. How this will come about is through change. Change is the most highly regarded and necessary element of all realities, without which, entropy (inevitable and steady deterioration of a system) would result.

So how will you initiate and incorporate the required change leading to your becoming a hybrid human (HH)? There are two ways that will bring this result: One is the traditional and familiar one in which you become interested in what you are reading here to such an extent that you make yourself a student, fueling your desire and belief through constant & concentrated exposure to material that casual and even semi-serious consideration will only confuse and frustrate. The other way is through our implanting your consciousness with everything required to make you, without any effort on your own, a HH. As Hybrid Humans, you will become centers of great activity, harbingers of a new humanity. You will be on the front lines of the ongoing WeEe battle, strengthening and enlivening the We presence in your dual WeEe earth.  

These writings will evolve into a format you know as books, and as such, you could put, in bold, on the very first page: TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT AND KIND OF ENERGY AVAILABLE. This statement is central to everything else and is to be inscribed in the forefront of your awareness. How and to what end this energy is to be used will also be considered at length. Life-force (energy) is in all things, from rocks to humans to gods. The amount and quality of it determines what a thing is and what it is possible for that thing to do or become. There are unlimited combinations of amounts and qualities of life-force resulting in everything that exists. (Let x=amount of life-force engery; and y=quality (of life-force energy): A rock, for instance might have 12x and 456y which identifies it as rock; and within that life-force gradient would exist all rocks. Crystals, on the other hand might have an xy constituent of 12x and 457y as their life-force gradient. For humans the life-force gradient might be 30x and 19y; Jupiter 300x and 82y, and so on. It is not difficult to understand this, and one can readily see how complex, open-ended, and creative creation is. Humans are not creators in the sense that the WeEe are, or that I and my kind are. We are able to create humans, planets, galaxies, while it is our creations that are able to create energy of the xy variety, through their act of being and living. This is an indication to you of the value and significance of all life, while it does not mean that death or destruction are to be necessarily avoided, as they also add to the xy quotient of energy. The We, and I suspect the Ee, created the life-force out of their own, what we might call, Life-Force Supersized.  Those of us in my world have ready access to this vast xy field of energy from which we can draw everything we want and need.  Where is this constantly growing life-force field stored, who else can get at it, and can it be tampered with, damaged, or otherwise compromised? These are significant questions to which I will now turn.

Gold, one of the most valuable comodities you possess, and a cornerstone of your world economies, can be a source of great wealth and security, while at the same time causing much conflict, destruction, and death by those who greedily desire it. Large quantities of it must be protected, guarded, kept safe. Life-force, as you can readily see, has an extremely high value so that it must be maintained in such a manner as to limit and control its access. Now this wasn't much of an issue before the We discovery of the Ee, which changed everything. The We immediately knew that their creation of the life-force field would have to be kept from the reach of the Ee. But it was already too late, the Ee knew, well before the We became aware of them, that here was something they wanted, gold at their feet, great veins of energy available to them at very little cost.  The cost, however would become incalculable, as the We became aware of the Ee the moment the life-force field was entered upon. From that time forward, the Great WE-EE Wars commenced. These wars would have, and still do have, ramifications throughout all existence.    

Having arrived at this juncture, we would now like to tell you how to continue. First, stop all your arguing and questioning of what you have read up to this point. This is what we have introduced to you: 1) Your life is completely controlled in every facet 
2) The We and the Ee are your creators and are responsible for a     vast empire of life 
3) The We and the Ee are opposing forces 
4) The creation of energy is the purpose for the creation of life

Without power you can do nothing: This computer doesn't run; your refrigerator will be useless; the lights will be out; no heat in the winter (you'll be back to making fires); no cars, machinery, you get the picture. Civilization will take a step backwards. And then, of course, there is the power that runs life itself. Without power everything screeches to a halt.Whatever power you have comes from us and is directed by us. These writings are designed to increase the power you have. With this increase in power, more energy is brought into the system, both your personal one and the greater one in which you do your business of living. 
You will need no special training or engage yourself in mental summersaults to access this greater power, energy, we will simply give it to you.  No need to make sacrifices to the We god, or meditate 6 hours a day, or join a like-minded group in order to build an energy field, or even develop a strong desire or attunement with Weeness. You are a brick in a brilliantly architecturally designed building, and we will place you. This is not a most uplifting image for you, yet that is how it is.

All bricks are not the same and there are many different kinds of buildings serving a variety of purposes. You are (by you we mean those of you selected for this particular building project) being altered in the required manner in order to successfully bring into being a Taj Mahal of consciousness. It is this new and advanced consciousness we are bringing into your world. The development of more evolved, spiritually aware humans has been a millenia long undertaking yielding very negligable results. Many teachers have brought you intelligence that has only 'taken' in extremely small enclaves, while planetary consciousness remained bottled-up, often moving backwards more than forwards. Enough of this human propensity for destructive behaviour which has become a constant undermining influence retarding the coming into being of a super race, a planetary civilization of human gods. We are here to implement, forward a new race of humans. It will move out into the world and change everything. Don't let yourself be rushed into seeing this vision we are depicting. It will come in the time and manner we choose. You already know that you can't do anything to help bring it about, that's our doing. Many of you in contact with this material will be those who initiate the advance, an advance that will not creep but sweep across the earth.

I should note here today (Aug. 8th, 2011), that many of these entries are separated by weeks, and some by months.They began in Dec. of 2009.

(HR): My feeling this morning is one of disappointment with these writings. The fact that I find them interesting and hopeful is just not enough. There is a need to see and experience real, perceptible change which is aligned with what you are speaking about. An advance that sweeps across the earth sounds great and has my interest, but I need to see and experience some of it. The truth is that I don't believe I will. To publish any of what has so far been written is useless. I'll just have to continue playing my part, these writing now coming to an end. I can ask for nothing, as there is no one I know of to ask. Since I seem to have no choice but to go on living, I can only hope to continue to have enough joy and happiness to make it worth the effort.

It is several months since you wrote the above, and here you are again.  Your physical human life is composed of two elements.1) Your thinking, intellectual, or cognitive ability 2) Your feelings, emotions, sensations. Sensations are relegated to the body, while  feelings and emotions are to the mind or awareness. When you say 'I feel good', 'I feel bad', it could mean in your body, in your mind (a feeling of well-being), or a combination of the two; for instance, feeling happy and content while at the same time relaxed and comfortable in the body. So the mind and body are in close sympathy with one another. What you see as 'you', is an awareness located in a body. Now I am going to tell you something that goes against all spiritual teaching. When your body dies, your awareness disappears! You don't continue, inspite of the so called evidence that maybe you do. All so called evidence for anything, is a continuing implantation to further the Project. The Project, you may recall, is twofold: 1) Initially to create energy, feeding into the grid, through the living of our creations 2) a) to continue with our creations so as to feed our energy grid, and b) to eradicate the evil that has infiltrated both our worlds, and existence in general. Everything humans do or are involved in, feeds one of two energy systems; that of the We, or that of the Ee. You don't have the luxury of deciding to work for one or the other, that has been decided for you, as has everything else.

Life is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Life is important not just because it is life, as some of you think, but because it provides something for someone or something else. So your life, in a very real sense, serves as food for the We and the Ee. All of the infinite multiplicities of creation have a common denominator, they are provisions for their creators. I too am included in this, as a We creation, bringing you these writings.


Whether or not you have joy and happiness in your life is completely out of your control, as you are beginning to understand. It is I who have brought you to this point in your life, just as every other human has had the road of their life paved before them by those responsible for their existence. You think it is better to have world peace than constant conflict and wars. You think that the intensity and immensity of animal suffering and killing can be minimized by the efforts of animal rights and animal welfare activists. You think that humans have the ability to save or destroy the earth. You think that the earth and life on it has some kind of meaning, even though you don't know what that meaning is. All of this thinking is not yours, it is ours who give it to you in order to have you act in ways aligned with those thoughts.  I've already mentioned how all life emits qualities and quantities of energy which is transmitted and housed in a place known only to the Creator Gods.

What is called a vibrational frequency is an energy field in which various kinds of existence occur. Your entire physical universe is one vibrational frequency. If you strum a guitar string, that would be one vibrational frequency. Were one to tighten or loosen the string to the minutest degreee, then that would be another vibrational frequency. In this guitar analogy, any one string would have infinite vibrational frequencies, each independent of the other. There are many more than six strings, with each one composed of certain themes, while another string would have themes unrecognizable, incomprehensible to any other string. One clarification I am attempting to present you with in the use of the many analogies, is the vastness and complexity of Everything. If you achieve world peace or an end to all animal use, there are countless worlds (frequencies) in which the opposite is the case, ie., wars, destruction, and pervasive animal use.

The very few of you readers who have gotten this far should return to reading from the beginning again, as there is too much here for you to grasp it in one reading. Then we will continue by taking you on a journey into yourselves.

8:07 PM 10/28/2011 The two forces of Good/Evil that I have outlined for you thus far as being evident throughout existence, are not necessarily opposing forces. What I am telling you now goes a step beyond where we have thus far been.

The WeEe/GoodEvil conflict  will never be won by either side, as that is not the nature of their reality. They both come from a third force that is outside of good and evil. This I've spoken of before. It is this third force that uses its own creation of the dichotomous WeEe interaction in order to create certain kinds of energy. In your world good and evil will always be set against each other and there is nothing you can do about it. Your fighting evil is not intended to eradicate it or keep it in check. It is simply another means of producing energy. So nothing is ever lost or won, only energy creation, that's all. If a million animals or a billion animals are killed each year or tortured, it's part of a design over which you have absolutely no power. Success or failure are not part of the equation, it's the kind of energy comming from the efforts to stop something or keeep it going that is significant, along with the actual energy produced by suffering and death or peace and happiness.

There is no such thing as Karma, getting your just rewards. Action and reaction are built into your system and others, but are not a reality in and of themselves. You see, you have no way of determining where your influences come from, who I am, if you will continue after death. You can't possibly know those things. You can only know what it is decided for you to know. And that knowing is a created knowing placed into your mind for the purpose you are now familiar with: Energy Production!

So you might as well just relax, because living is not your responsibility. Living is being done through you.

8:15 AM 12/17/2011I have determined that beings who create life don't in the least concern themselves or care about what we who experience it call pain and suffering, or even death. You see, death doesn't have anything to do with the person who dies, since their death ends their existence. Death is another means of energy production, yet the greatest result is to be obtained by the emotional turmoil fealt by those left behind. There is a very specific kind of energy created through the emotional responses experienced by both loved ones and enemies of the deseased. Remember, energy is food, it is being.

Every life-form is a composite of energy, requiring energy for its continued existence. Humans grow food not because they care about plants, but because of what plants give them. Humans certainly don't care about the animals they keep breeding and raising in order to use their milk, eggs, honey, and dead bodies. Some claim to care about these animals while still eating them. Their only concern, really, is nutrition and pleasure, not necessarily in that order.

Do you see that you are food for your creators? You have great value and are allowed to live and then to die because of what you are: a source of vast varieties of energy. Whatever you do that you think is significant, isn't, because there is no difference between success or failure in the way you think of it. They each produce a certain quality and quantity of energy, so success isn't more important than failure, happiness isn't more desireable than misery, good isn't better than evil, light is not superior to darkness.

Everything you know and consider to be intelligence, is merely given to yoy, not something you created, representing an advance, an evolving of your being. You don't evolve at all, you exist for the purpose mentioned.

12/20/11So for each of you humans, or animals, there is no implicit, (contained in your nature) reason for your individual existence. You are a valued property providing fuel for expanded existence of your owner. In a very real sense, you are living robots.

11:12 AM 12/31/2011  You<G.>have come to realize, over the years, that life is not about you. So whether or not you do the  "right" thing, are happy or sad, are alive or dead, are not important. Because you truly don't have any choices in these matters, you might as well not mourne about the past or concern yourself with the future, and for that matter, don't even bother yourself with what's happening in the present, whether it concerns your own life or that of "other". Well then, what am I doing, you ask yourself. And that's just it, You are doing nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. You didn't build civilization; you didn't travel to outer space; you don't create. It is We who create through you. It is Ee who create through you.

This doesn't mean that you don't try to live life based on what it is you think you want. You make many, many decisions every day that you think are the result of your own feelings and thinking. This just isn't the case. You are a chess piece, and you don't move yourself, inspite of the fact that you think you do.

12:18 PM 1/7/2012  <G.>I'm not interested in hearing anymore about my insignificance, helplessness, and basic puppetness on a string from you. Obviously, your doing this is part of some project you are involved with. All of life, you are telling us, only exists for two purposes: 1) energy creation for both you and the Eee  2) as pawns in the ongoing battle between Wee and Eee. If I were to believe this, then logically there is only one course of action open to me, and why would I want to take any other. And that is to live my life completely selfishly.

7:46 AM 2/5/2012   Since everthing I do is directed and calculated for a specific end by those who created me and all life, then all the choices I make every day, are not choices at all. Life for us is truly an illusion. The reality is that we have no power or creative capacity in and of ourselves. We are the subjects of highly evolved Beings who actually didn't evolve at all; they have always been what they are: Explorers and choreographers of endless creative ventures that bring a return of food, or energy for them.

So if  I <G> experience the height of joy for the entirety of my life, or if I suffer the depths of pain and misery, each of these lives provides Them (the We and the Ee) with a certain amount and quality of energy. That's all. I don't matter in the sense that what I want has any meaning. I am simply a tool, a means to an end, nothing more. Humans don't build civilizations. Humans don't kill and destroy. Humans are programed responses who think they have this thing called the power of thought, which they use for good or for ill. No, not at all. We turn left or right or go straight ahead because we are programed to do so. I am programed to write this. You, the reader, are programed to read or not read this. The cat is programed to sleep, the dog to bark, the butcher to chop-up dead cows and pigs, the lovers to love, the lovers to divorce, the weather to be hot or cold or wet or dry, one country to attack another, a man to rape a woman, a circus animal forced to perform, vivisectors to torture and experiment on animals, religions to force their view on non-believers, slaves to be slaves; everything is programed. You are programed to think and say this is all absurd, and then continue living as if your choices are yours!

11:34 PM 3/18/2012
Depending on how it is the words are arranged on the page, different stories are told. Of the several million books written in the past 200 years, and all the ones written from now into the future, no two are remotely the same. All this is done with some 26 letters.

6:26 AM 3/25/2012 
Energy, what exactly is it? I am energy, you are energy. The wind is energy, a rock is energy. Anything that exists is energy, and requires energy to keep it in existence. Energy doesn't die, it doesn't cease to exist, it is transformed into something else. Or it can be stored, like money in a bank. Those who own the money in the bank know what it can do, know that the more they have the more they can do. So aside from using the money in the bank for various purposes, some of the money is used to make more money. Since running out of money would cause a problem, in your world, money is everything. You wouldn't be sitting in this comfortable house, writing on this computer, eating the foods you like, driving down the road in your auto, etc., etc., without it!

Money is potential energy with no value in and of itself. If, in your world, you have a million dollars on a table, and a million rocks on another table (a large table), they have equal value, which is to say thay have no value. If a person walks into the room, they will ignore the rocks and take all the money.
That person has connected with the highest form of energy in your world. Never mind the power of love, or hate, for without money, love and hate will only go so far. You can waste your time, if you like, on very involved philosophical discussions on how other aspects of human life are more valuable than money, in which case you would be completely missing the point. Of course there are people who don't need money to eat or build a dwelling, but most of you are no longer indigenous people. 

On the cosmic scale, energy is money taken to the highest level. In your world you can still live without money, without energy, however, nothing exists. So the value of energy is everything. No energy, no life. No energy, and there is nothing at all. So you see, everything that exists is composed of and dependent on energy. Your physical universe, and all other physical universes (and there are a LOT of them) are merely creations of combinations of energy. You can create many books from just 26 letters; from the infinite quantity and qualities of energy, infinite worlds and kinds of existence can be, and are created. You and I are a very small part of all this. 

On the one hand, everything has significance, while on a more expanded level, that significance pales. There is no such thing as loss in the way you experience it. To you, an early death might be a loss, or a stock market crash wiping out all your assets and savings would be seen as a loss. But in the larger scheme of things, those aren't losses at all, only shifts in energy. Every single experience that you or an animal has, has nothing to do with good or bad, pain or pleasure, it only has to do with shifting energies.

When someone takes on a cause: save the rainforest, feed the children, stop animal abuse, religious proselityzing, clean air and water, save the planet, etc., and so on, the success or failure of the involvement is not what it's all about. It is the involvement, because that is what creates the energy. The activity itself is also relevant, of course. A healthy environment has a certain kind of energy, while a polluted one has another kind of energy. A million 'believers' creates a certain kind of energy, while a billion non-believers creates another kind of energy, and so on. 

Let me say, without intending to insult any of you, if you ask the question, "Wouldn't a beautiful, healthy planet, with non-suffering inhabitants be much better than what we have now?"  If you ask that, then you don't understand anything you've read so far. The story I've told to this point is easy to comprehend. 

6:17 AM 4/1/2012
Let's deepen our exploration and your understanding a little more. Some of you will have to focus and concentrate a little more than others, because of the nature of your mind, and you will simply have to slowly reread and think about what is being discussed. There may be a tendency to frustration, because you aren't getting a clear picture right away, and that's only because you haven't read, and reread with an intense enough  desire to comprehend.  

I will use another image already referenced somewhat before, that of color. We are going to expand our sense of what is meant by the word Energy, which is central to all we are discussing here. The word energy is already widely used in your world. Many countries have a department of energy which is responsible for providing the energy needs of its citizenry. The production, transportation, and delivery of food, for instance, requires energy. Now what exactly, in this example, is this energy. Well, let's back up a little and recall that we stated already that Energy is life-force, essence, that which is at the very base of all that exists; that nothing exists if there is no energy to create and uphold it. There are two aspects or constituents of Energy: one is quantity, or how much; and the other is quality or kind. Let's get a little clearer about what quality is. 

Quality, your dictionaries say, is an inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property. The basic nature or character of something.  There are more definitions, but this will do. Mercy is a quality, kindness is a quality, strength, weakness, passion, color, smell, taste, sound, large, small, fast, slow, thoughtful, callous, intelligent, ignorant, these are all characteristics or qualities possessed by something.
9:02 AM 4/8/2012 (Easter)  You will recall here the xy description above. You can see the incredible vastness of combinations of x (quantity) and y (quality), which result in the creation of energy. Let's say two objects (which could also be a person) have the quality of strength. Now I am purposely being, what might appear to you, laborously specific in my descriptions, for reasons that will be understandable to those of you who dig deeply into this material; by which I mean that you read it several times in an attentive manner, while setting aside all that you think you already know and believe about existence. And when you conclude that, "oh I get it, I follow what's being presented here,"  this doesn't mean that you understand everything that has here been written. For instance: if total understanding (not possible for any of you) were to be 100, your first reading might result in an understanding of 20. Someone else's reading might result in an understanding of 15, 18, 25, or 6. Since everything you do, think, feel, and experience, changes your "E", which is the whole energy that your existence represents at any moment, and the xy (quantity, quality) of energy you put out, which is available for harvesting, your "E" is constantly changing. Now this changing has nothing to do with more, better, or improvement, it only has to do with "different."  It is the "different" kinds of "E" that THEY  are interested in.
So when this material here is read once, that reader's "E" has changed. Upon a second reading, his or her "E" changes again. This is the process for Everything. Even a rock on the beach has a certain "E", which changes if it is moved to a different location. Do you understand the complexity and dimensions of what is being discussed here? So once again, as before, you might question the point of it all from your perspective. What does your life mean for you? What is the point of your daily actions, your thoughts. Is any one thing you do more important than any other? Is altruism not better than selfishness? Is donating my time to an animal shelter not better than staying at home and watching movies? Is kindness towards animals not better than eating them or hitting them, experimenting on them? Is love not better than hate? Is sharing not better than hoarding? Is exercising and taking care of my body not in my own best interests? Isn't good preferable to evil? Aren't some choices better than others? Is a human being's value measured only in their harvestable "E?
The answer to all the above questions is NO, except for the last one, which is YES.


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